Defensive Doubles

      I first heard of Defensive Doubles from Mr. Brian Thomas and Mr. Denis Leduc, then of North Bay, Ontario.  Neither they nor I claim to have invented them, so the possibility exists that Defensive Doubles have other names in other locales.

      Playing Defensive Doubles affects how Advancer (the partner of the simple suit Overcaller) shows support (or "tolerance") for Overcaller's suit. 
      First, we operate from the understanding that Advancer's entry into the auction is very dangerous, if she/he does not have support for Overcaller's suit.  When playing Defensive Doubles, such an Advancer will have to bid beyond partner's suit.
1 2 2 ??
2NT Scattered values, supporting Diamonds.
3 Lead-directing, supporting Diamonds.
3 Offensive support for Diamonds
3 5+ Hearts.  No Diamond support suggested.

      Defensive Doubles come into effect in competitive auctions only (i.e., when Opener's partner, "Responder", has made a Negative double or a free bid).  Any bid by Advancer, then, up to and including Overcaller's suit, suggests support.
      In such instances, the following rules apply:

      Any raise, including a single direct raise, shows an offensively oriented hand.  If the opponents bounce to game, Advancer's vote is deemed to suggest a sacrifice.
K x x
x x x x
A x x x x
A Q x x x x
K Q x x
x x
1 1
2 2 4 ??
      Here, Overcaller should feel free to bid 4 here, knowing that this is Advancer's preference.

     Any suit bid BELOW Overcaller's suit is lead-directing, but shows good defensive strength — no interest in sacrificing, if the opponents stumble into game.
x x x
A J 10
x x
Q x x x x
A Q x x x x
x x
K x x
x x
1 1
2 2 3NT ??

      By promising 2+ Spades and asking for a Heart lead, the 2 call sets up the defence against 3NT, while warning partner not to sacrifice in 4.

      Any Notrump bid BELOW Overcaller's suit shows "scattered but significant defensive values" — no interest in sacrificing against any game contract.
K x x
J 10 x
Q x
Q J x x x
x x
K Q x x x x
K x x
x x
1 1
Dble 1NT 3NT ??

      West does not have any compelling reason to call for any particular lead.  West's 1NT call, then, helps East find a pass and a Heart lead here. 

      Any double shows defensive strength (no interest in sacrificing against a game contract), often with no room to make an appropriate lead-directing or "scattered values" free bid.
A K x
10 x x
Q x
Q J x x x
x x x
K Q x x x
K x x
x x
1 1
2 Dble Pass ??

      Advancer cannot afford 2 here, and so contents themself with a Double so as to advise East not to sacrifice at the game level.
K x x
A x x
Q x
Q J x x x
x x x
K Q x x x
K x x
x x
1 1
1 Dble Pass ??

      Because Advancer had the option of encouraging a lead in any non-Heart suit (e.g., 2 here), or no particular suit (i.e., 1NT here), double here has a "Rosencranz" overtone (suggesting an honour in Overcaller's suit).

      A redouble of a negative double is also defensive, suggesting the Ace or King of Overcaller's suit — especially at the 1-level.

      Assuming the opponents are playing Negative Doubles at the one level on this hand:
K x x
A x x
K x
Q J x x x
x x x
K x x
A Q 10 x x
x x
1 1
Dble RDbl Pass ??

      East may have been reluctant to lead hir own suit (here, Diamonds), without the encouraging Redouble by West. 

      Having played Defensive Doubles with my steady partners for almost two decades, I can whole-heartedly recommend them over existing uses of the competitive double. 
      Consider this prosaic hand:
K x x
Q J x
A Q J x x
Q x
Vul: N-S
Dealer: North
J x x
x x x
K x x
A x x x
A Q 10 9 x
K x x
x x
9 8 x
x x
A 10 9 x
10 9 x x
K J x x
1 1 2
Dble 3NT Pass Pass

      A Heart lead at the other table handed our team mates +600.  Trusting Declarer to hold at least the K, I found the "miraculous" lead of 9.  Sure enough, partner got in with A, and tracked J for down two. 
      Any other lead would have handed them 600 or 630. 
While one opponent checked us for wires, I explained to the other that partner's Double and North's confident 3NT bid essentially eliminated any other lead from serious consideration !

The opponents didn't seem mollified, though ...

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