(Bid Even, Pass Odd, Double Uninterested)

      Imagine a SAYC sequence such as:
1 Pass 2 5

      Imagine a 2/1 GF auction such as:
1 Pass 2 5
      The opponents are not vulnerable in both cases. 
      We are in a game-forcing auction in either event, but RHO's jump to 5-of-a-minor has prevented us from using Blackwood 4NT.  What is worse, it is unclear whether or not we are interested in slam.

      Consider this set of alternatives, similar to treatments of interference over Roman Blackwood:
Bid = Natural, an Even number of Aces and interest in declaring, not defending.
Pass = An Odd number of Aces with an interest in bidding on.
Double = Uninterested in bidding on.  This may suggest poor support for partner's suit, a doubleton or wasted values in their suit, an unrebiddable suit of our own and/or few Aces (and therefore unwilling to bid 5-of-a-suit here).

      These responses give us "BEP0DU": Bid Even, Pass Odd, Double Uninterested. 

      Since we might choose to double their contract if we had no Ace, the suit rebid suggests two (or Four) Aces. 
      Typically, one might pass the opponent's bid with 1 or 3 Aces and remove PARTNER's double with three.  In this way, the partnership may avoid making phantom sacrifices and may not be forced to guess their Ace holding on hands where there is a slam in sight.

      If trump is known, as after a Jacoby 2NT response to our major-suit opening, Blackstone will refer to key cards rather than Aces.  1-Pass-2NT-5 will see Pass (1 or 3 Key Cards), Double (penalty) or 5 (2 or perhaps 4 Key Cards).  Similarly, a pair may choose to play DEPODU, even if partner has Blackwooded.  1-Pass-4NT-5 may see the same response set in action. 

      Any cuebid of opponents' suit shows All the Aces or Key Cards and interest in a grand slam.  Any Other cuebid (i.e., in a new suit) shows all the Aces or Key Cards, but lacking grand slam interest.  A jump to 6 of our suit shows all but one such card And suggests that the partnership holds a control in their suit. 

      1.  SAYC.  You're vul.  After
1 Pass 2 5
      you hold:

(a)    K Q x x    x    A Q x x x    J 10 x
      Double.  You'd like to defend here. 

(b)    A K x x    x x    A Q x x    J 10 x
      Bid 5 !   2 showed either semi-solid Hearts or Diamond support, so show your 2 Aces here. 
(c)    A x x    Q x x    A Q x x x    A
      Pass, to show your Odd number of Aces.  If partner doubles their 5, rebid 5 to show your Three Aces and respectable Heart support. 
(d)    K Q x x    Q x x    A K x x    x x
      Pass, to show your Odd number of Aces.  If partner doubles, Pass again

      2.  Vul vs.  Not, playing 2/1 Game Forcing. 
1 Pass 4NT 5
1 Pass 2NT 5

(a)    A x x    K Q x x x    x    A x x x

      Pass to show 1 or 3 key cards, pulling any double to 5 to show Three of them. 

(b)    A x x    A K x x x    A x    A x x

      Cuebid 5 to show All five Key Cards, but lacking enough power to strongly suggest 7, as a cuebid of 6 might. 

(c)    A J x x    A K x x x     —    A K x x

      Cuebid 6, inviting 7 with, in essence, all 5 Key Cards.

(d)    K Q J x    K J x x x    x x    K x
      Double, to slow partner down.
(e)    K Q x    A J x x x    x x    A x x
      Bid 5, showing an Even number of Key Cards (usually TWO).  With Four, you might bid 6, if your side had Diamonds controlled.
(f)    A K x    A K x x x    x x x x    A
      While there are no guarantees in life, the 4 small Diamonds suggest that Partner will likely have a Diamond control here.

      Hence, bid 6 to show your 4 Key Cards. 

------------------ Pronunciation Note ---------------

      And how does one pronounce "BEPODU" ?
      Easy.  Just imagine having a vicious cold and trying to pronounce: "People do." :)

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