Jacoby 2NT Response to 1 or 1

      SAYC recommends 13+ HCPs for a game-forcing Jacoby 2NT response to 1 or 1.

      Previous versions of Standard American require 16+ HCPs, and I prefer the older 16 HCP requirement.

      Responder promises 3+card support (some pairs promise 4+card support) for Opener's major.  Opener is asked to show a short suit, and rebids:
4-of-the-major  – weak Opener
4  – Minimum or sub-minimum opener.
3-of-the-major  – Sound Opener, no short suit.
3  – Good 1 opener, no shortness.
3 NoTrump  – No short suit but semi-solid trumps.
3NT  – No shortness, good Hearts.
3-of-an-unbid-suit  – Short in the bid suit.
3  – Shortness in Diamonds
4-of-a-new-suit  – Natural, 5-5 TWO-suiter.
4  – 5+Hearts and 5+Clubs

      Opener's rebids may be followed by

Key Card Blackwood (RKCB),
Cuebids, or
Sign-Offs in the agreed trump suit.
What do you do with a minimum hand AND a short suit ?  
Should you rebid 4-of-your-major to show the minimum, or
should you bid your short suit ?  This is a matter of debate. 
MY style is to show the minimum with a jump in the opened major. 
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